New Club Request Form
This form must be completed to request formation of a new club. The form must be submitted by September 30th for Fall or February 1st for Spring along with at least five(5) Club Membership Forms in order for a club to initiate a request for activation and funding.
This form is for clubs not previously chartered.
New Club Guidelines
Guidelines for students interested in starting a new club
- Obtain from the Student Life & Engagement Office a “new club” request packet.
- A new club must have 5 interested members.
- A College faculty member, adjunct faculty member or administrator must be willing to serve as the club advisor.
- All new club packets must be submitted to the Office of Student Life & Engagement (SLE) by September 30th for Fall and February 1st for Spring.
- In order for the club to be approved and activated, the SLE will request a recommendation from the dean or supervisor of the suggested club advisor, and will initiate a Student Club/Organization Advisor Recommendation Form.
- The new club will receive a notice of denial or approval and activation for the academic year as soon as possible after the appropriate paperwork is completed, and no later than October.
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